
Sagittarius and Capricorn Compatibility

The outgoing Sagittarian temperament is quite different from that of Capricorn. Sagittarius has an open, optimistic and straightforward nature that tends to take things as they come. They believe that life will bring Sagittarius the best, and every dark cloud has a silver lining. On the other hand Capricorn is regarded as a cold, constrictive and often introvert. Capricorns have a more conservative nature than Sagittarius and aren’t as optimistic as Sagittarius. Capricorn needs time to feel relaxed with Sagittarius.

Then they will show Sagittarius another side of their character. But bear in mind that at first they might feel overpowered by Sagittarius sunny disposition. Sagittarius is adventurous, and loves freedom. This is another area where Capricorn is likely to be far more cautious than Sagittarius. Both Capricorn and Sagittarius will need to take into account the ambitious and practical side of their character. Sagittarius might like to take the reserved Capricorn under and draw them out so that they can have a taste of how the other half lives.

Emotional Compatibility
Emotionally these partners are not the same. Sagittarius is an adventurer while Capricorn is the office manager. This means that any romance is more likely than not to start slowly thus the best is not to expect instant fireworks. In many ways this pair is an opposite and it is often said that opposites attract. Sagittarius is upfront and out there tackling all sorts of exciting things. Capricorn is more sedate and a planner with lists and rules to follow. But being so different can actually work in their favor when romance begins to bloom. As each has so much to teach the other, the education process can mean there are many things they can share with their partner making the relationship beautiful. Initially the flaws of the Sagittarius may stifle the budding romance.
But when this blind spot behavior is overcome, there is a lot of fun with benefits galore. Sagittarius can introduce Capricorn to adventure and excitement while the latter can teach their partner the value of an orderly and systematic lifestyle. There is another fine balance too in their respective approaches to life. Sagittarius tends to leap in while Capricorn will sit back and weigh the consequences before making a decision.

Professional Compatibility
Business relationships and career connections between these two can get on like a house on fire. They most often do best when free of the restrictions of a hierarchical or bureaucratic organization, but they may actually meet while in the employ of such a company and formulate ideas to go off on their own. Another common scenario is for Sagittarius and Capricorn to meet as freelancers or small-business people and to pool their efforts, often inspired by a totally new concept or idea.

Romantic Compatibility
There is a marked contrast in the nature of the Sagittarius and the Capricorn. Independent, freedom-loving Sagittarius will not take kindly to being repressed or restricted by the Capricorn, who in turn, will not understand Sagittarius's inner longings, high ideals and impossible dreams. If they can bridge the gap and achieve a happy relationship, each will certainly benefit in the long term.
Sagittarius is ruled by jovial Jupiter, the planet of expansion and careful Capricorn is ruled by sturdy Saturn, the planet of limitation thus making them very different from each other and also showing the potential of a beautiful relation as eventually they both will complement each other. If this couple is clever, they could end up with a winning combination that won't even give them the tiniest twinge. There has to be an extra dimension if they're to be a success, because they operate on different levels on the love plank.

Marital Compatibility

Sagittarius is a mix of two personalities, one that’s funny and other that’s very sincere. They love talking and walking and exploration of things/world/people in order to discover truth and philosophies. They put a good faith in hope and optimism. They tend to ask a lot of questions and love freedom and independence. They usually have a lot of casual friends. On the other hand, Capricorns believe in tried and tested ways of doing things. They somehow have a clear idea of anything and everything. They love and care for their family and close friends. They are sometimes restrictive and don’t believe in making a lot of casual friends. Clearly, these personalities do not mix and blend so easily. Like for example, Sagittarius likes to question/test everything.

On the other hand, Capricorn would often take a traditional and conventional path that has already been tested and risk free. Capricorns usually don’t enjoy wasting valuable time on mundane things. On money matters, they both take an entirely different approach. The Capricorn is more conservative towards money and is constantly seeking new ways to add to his income, whereas Sagittarius is often careless towards money. The Capricorn sometimes does not have any substantial source of income and would spend more in their pursuit of exploration and discovery. Thus, there is compatibility between the Sagittarius and the Capricorns though what is most essential to this relation is that they accept each other and benefit from their strengths rather than focusing on how different they are from each other.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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