
Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility

Both Sagittarius and Aquarius love a busy and hectic life and love meeting people. These two are very likely to become great friends. New and progressive ideas and generally being in the centre of social action is something they both seek, so anything to do with clubs, theatres, outings and outdoor sports will attract these two. But there are differences too. The Sagittarius is more enthusiastic and self-confident which makes them very warm and demonstrative whereas the Aquarius is a little more aloof.

Emotional Compatibility
There is a high potential for a long and happy partnership with this pair. Sagittarius is the adventurer and Aquarius is a carefree and non interfering person. In this relation when one chooses to lead, the other will happily follow. They both love life and are prepared to give most things a try. There are no holds barred in this union. Anything and everything is up for grabs. Sometimes there will be competition between the two but not for long and besides, it’s a healthy competition with lots of fun.

Life is rarely dull with this pair and their mutual admiration only adds to the pleasure of one another’s company. That’s not to say they have to cling to the other. Both signs love their independence and having it makes them a better person and the pairing even stronger when they do things together. The beauty of this union is that on the outside they appear to be happy because on the inside they are.

Professional Compatibility
In business, the partners will usually create a product or service for which there is a demand but not a lot of competition, discovering a so-called "hole in the market." This pair is good not only at initiating ventures but at maintaining them, particularly in the area of reinvesting their profits. Life with an Aquarian will be dynamic, and never dull or routine. You’ll find yourselves spending hour upon hour deep in discussions — about everything from the environment to politics to conspiracy theories. You’ll entertain each other, and this will be the basis for a good, long-term friendship if nothing else. Sagittarius must remember that Aquarius is very idiosyncratic by nature and progressive in all their attitudes but this fortunately, does not worry the Sagittarius. Ad they are happy to let people have their own views.

But be prepared for some pretty abrupt and unexpected changes from Aquarius. Even though they are more methodical and prudent than you, there are times when they need a complete change of pace.

Romantic Compatibility
There is a strong affinity between a Sagittarian and an Aquarian. Each makes a strong impact on the other alone when necessary. Both have an independent streak and need freedom. They will attract many people and share the resulting pleasure and reciprocal benefits. When these two get together they'll teach each other the essentials of amour through their terrific thirst for knowledge. There's almost nothing that won't crop up in the conversations of this couple. Love will grow as these two discuss and debate from dawn to dusk. Sagittarius and Aquarius together are spell bound with the magic of friendship.
They will be presented with a lot of opportunities to quarrel and make-ups. While the Sagittarius occasionally can be rude, the Aquarius would never seem to mind it. Aquarius is always easy going but when their straightforward path is deliberately obstructed, they will become stubborn and rebellious. Their intellectual rapport will be ravishing and they can communicate with each other till the earth goes flat. That'll give them a head start when they need to sort out any romantic wrinkles, because they'll understand each other.

Marital Compatibility
Sagittarius places a good faith in hope and philosophies. But at the same time they question everything. That’s just their way to discover the truth. So they are truthful and honest as well. They are cheerful, always walking and talking. They are somewhat independent and love doing things their own way. They have a lot of casual friends and generally are tolerant of everyone and everything. A typical Aquarius is a packaged product of multiples personalities. They actually believe in originality and uniqueness. They have their own style of doing things and hate being pushed or pulled. They seldom reveal what they are up to and what would be their next move.

They are very tolerant and believe in once a friend always a friend policy. They are both nonsense and genius and mostly willing to live and let live. Both Sagittarius and Aquarius are essentially humanitarians, both easily persuaded to join causes that promote brotherhood and sisterhood. They both enjoy travel and adventure trips. They both like fun and parties and people. They both have their baskets full of friends. Neither could be called a loner. But the Sagittarius are more adaptable in their life styles than the Aquarius, who are more or less accustomed to their style and habit patterns, while advocating sweeping changes for the rest of the world. On the whole this is a very strong relationship with full potential of being a beautiful and long lasting one.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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