
Weak Points for All Zodiac Signs

You're the courageous type, and doing things well -- quickly and with flair -- comes naturally to you. Think about cultivating sensitivity, as well as practicality that will allow you to figure out in advance what works and what doesn't. If you succeed, your inspirational approach will pack an even greater punch!

You're steady and sensible, a rock of stability. But rather than acting the part of a deeply rooted oak tree, try being a reed that bends in the breeze and adapts to others. Find the faith to follow your hunches, rather than double-checking all the practical angles. If you listen to your heart, your strength will become that much more effective.

You are a thinker, talker and mover. So, try standing still for a change! You won't die of boredom. Dive deeply into your current projects rather than scattering to all four winds. Feel your way into situations, rather than standing back and thinking. You'll never allow yourself to turn into a stick in the mud, but you'll find that your efforts will pay off handsomely.

You're sensitive, creative and hopelessly active. If only just for a day, try shutting your feelings in a box. Listen to your head, not your heart. Develop ruthlessness so you can shut out distractions. If you learn to be more resilient and secure, your amazing ability to sniff out possibilities will be that much more powerful!

You're sunny, outgoing and naturally optimistic. What you're not, however, is realistic or inward-looking. Plan before you jump into action. Take quality time on your own and enjoy it. Everyone else thinks you're wonderful, but you need to convince yourself of this -- without an audience. If you do, you'll sparkle ever more brightly.

You're practical, helpful and not a little fussy. But you need to find your hidden fire, which means cultivating optimism, taking the odd risk, and following your dreams rather than your duties on occasion. Be bolder and more proactive, and flamboyant rather than understated. Your new vitality will sweep you on to victory!

You're a sociable and charming talker -- a natural mediator. Now go ahead and toss the tact out the window and focus on yourself for a bit. Forget about gaining approval and being respectable; instead, get down and dirty. There are nuggets of gold in the gutter that are yours for the taking.

You live naturally with passionate intensity, and you require depth of feeling like few others. Because of this, standing back to think will take some effort on your part, and so will practicing the art of letting go without harboring bitterness. You'll never be superficial, but you'll find that living on the surface adds a missing dimension to your existence.

You're excitable, hopeful, restless and always looking to expand the potential of whatever you're involved in. Having to be practical feels as if it's taking a bite out of your dream. But if you put a limit on your inspirations and box them in, you'll find that you'll consolidate your ambitions. Think less instead of more.

You're earthy, sensible, ambitious. You need to cultivate your sense of vision, nurture your dreams and develop your faith. Try harder to be optimistic instead of pessimistic, fiery instead of leaden, and reckless instead of cautious. Inject some spontaneous enjoyment into your life and you'll never look back.

You're cool, detached, firm and independent. Your first goal should be to find some fire to breathe warmth and vitality into your ideas. Don't be scared of your feelings, since they'll be your main portal to greater fulfilment. Get out of your head and down into your body, heart and guts. Live multi-dimensionally.

You're a creature of the cosmos and the oceans, floating and swimming your way through life. Dry land is your least comfortable realm, so learn to become rooted in reality by bringing your visions and dreams down to earth. They may be less perfect, but they'll be more likely to happen. Take your wobbly self-confidence and give it a shot of adrenalin! Then, nothing will stop you!

Natural Beauty for All Zodiac Signs

When it comes to beauty, you like to keep it natural and cruelty-free, but you do love a little flair here and there. Underneath the socially progressive exterior of Aquarius lurks a technology fetishist -- you have a weakness for gadgets, and you love any product touted as revolutionary or new, especially if it's all-natural. Since you bore so easily, you're always looking for the next great moisturizer, hair color or cuticle treatment. Although you have the utmost respect for yourself, you have a tendency to worry that you don't look good enough. Trust that your beauty comes from your ability to accept yourself, and make the best of the gifts you've been given. You set your own beauty standards, and this independence raises your beauty to a transcendent level.

Aries prefers to set the trends, not follow them. You like to get things started, but you're not so keen on finishing. This short attention span holds true for you when it comes to your beauty routine. You buy every new product that comes out, and then quickly grow bored with it. Last season's discarded colors and half-used lotions pile up beneath your sink and clutter up your vanity. Although the lotions and potions you love certainly help you shine, your true beauty comes from your spontaneity and willingness to experiment. You glow with a radiant and confident energy that's its own natural blush.

You love to care for the downtrodden, and in the process, you often overlook your own needs. Your beauty routine is likely minimal, if anything. Luckily, Cancers have physical features that stand out: emotive eyes, chiseled bone structure and good proportions. Your beauty is of the librarian-letting-her-hair-down variety. You present yourself as a sensible caregiver, but underneath you're an emotional and sexual woman. When you allow yourself a decadent moment, you love to luxuriate in a bubble bath and loofah yourself into oblivion. Your beauty comes from your generosity, your sympathetic nature and your honest self-image. And when you open your arms to give the world a warm hug, you become an absolute knockout.

As a Leo, you are confidence in a beautiful bottle, self-assuredness in concentrated form. You may seem to be a chaser of spotlights and seeker of approval, but deep down you're just a good-hearted (albeit proud) kitten. Your mane, your eyes and your shoulders are your crowning achievements, and you spare no expense caring for them. You'd walk miles and pay big for the right products, and you'd work hours to get your look just right. You're not afraid to take cosmetic risks to get your point across (is it any surprise Madonna's a Leo?), but you're not all flash. Rather, your true beauty comes from your readiness to share your gifts, your generous affection and your loyal, pure heart.

Blessed with all the wit and charm you could need to make it through life on guile alone, you don't interest yourself much with the day-to-day trappings of a beauty routine. You've got more important things on your mind -- be it world peace, spiritual fulfillment or planning the perfect vacation for your family. Your stimulating mind, expressive hands and beautiful voice demand attention. Others unfailingly watch your mouth for the next witticism, so any lip color had better have staying power for the likes of you. But your true beauty comes from your animated intellect, your zest for interaction and your flexible attitude. Be sure to calm that brilliant mind of yours with frequent, lavender-tinged baths.

You know that the world wants beauty, and you always deliver. Feminine but strong, charming but never coy, you have a knack for looking fabulous with minimal effort. Perhaps it's your inherently captivating quality, or maybe it's the way you yearn for harmony at all costs. Maybe it's your Libran need for companionship that influences you to always look your best. Whatever 'it' is, it imbues you with a healthful glow, a strong and luminous life force that allows you to step out without making yourself up. Libras seem blessed somehow -- you were likely an adorable baby. Since you move through life with the purpose of balance and harmony, the lack of stress shows in your ageless skin. Your beauty comes from your movie star poise, your grace and your subtly persuasive nature. You're at your most beautiful, though, when you're in love.

You've always been told that you're a hardworking go-getter, but what's often overlooked in Capricorn is the beauty beneath your diligent, conservative exterior. Doing right by your health and your body just comes naturally to you. Your common-sense approach to the everyday routine of self-maintenance is the key, and you instinctively know how to present yourself. It's not that you're necessarily conservative; rather, you're adept at weeding out fads and identifying quality. Your elegance also shows in the confident way you carry yourself. Power is essential to Capricorns, and you glow when you have it. Your beauty comes from your resourcefulness and your ambition toward high-quality living.

Within each Pisces, there lies a resolute optimism, a nearly psychic intuition and fertile imagination that allows you to appreciate the mysteries of life. When it comes to physical beauty, you are unconventional, a risk-taker motivated by subconscious visions and ethereal longings. You strike out on your own in defense of your independent spirit. When you decide to pamper yourself, pedicures are definitely in order -- they're a deserved indulgence that draws attention to your beautiful feet. Light, refreshing scents keep you in a romantic mood. Your beauty comes from your open heart, your belief in the goodness of others, your sympathetic nature and the way you never shy away from saying how you feel.

When it comes to your beauty routine, you travel light and are always ready for the next adventure. Cosmetics that don't fit in your bag get left behind; all you really need is sunscreen and lip balm to protect you from the elements, and perhaps a personalized essential oil to keep you fresh during your travels. If you do decide to pretty yourself up for the evening, call attention to your honest, intelligent eyes and your graceful gait. You move purposefully, and you're comfortable mingling in a crowd. Your beauty comes from your spontaneous, open mind, your endless ideas and thirst for adventure, and your intelligent sense of humor. You are at your most beautiful when you grab life with both hands, your spirit flush with a vibrant life force that shines through and invigorates those around you.

When it comes to beauty, you wrap your sensuality around you like a long, silken robe -- it envelopes your every move. While it seems as if you can't help but exude sexual energy, there's a softer side to you. You can be emotional, and a loyal friend. You delight in disguise and in dramatic makeovers. Hiding behind other personas stimulates you, and you shine when you can be a bit clever. The power of your beauty lies within this cunning; all of your expressions of beauty possess a hidden, deeper meaning, a subtext of desire, an ulterior motive. You are at your most beautiful when you channel your sly charm to energize those around you.

Even though the symbol of Taurus is the very male bull, this Earth sign is all about potent femininity, the kind of natural, earthy beauty that changes lives and moves mountains. Taurus women radiate a simple, but powerful beauty, and it's this subtlety that is a Taurus woman's greatest charm. You probably own very few cosmetic products, but what you do own is the very best, and you stick with a tried-and-true. You adore the small, sensual pleasures of beauty -- sensual fabrics, natural, revitalizing skin creams and perfume with a woodsy, balsamic scent. You prefer your hair flowing naturally over your shoulder or a loose tendril falling across your forehead. It's through these tiny but generous gestures of understated femininity that you as a Taurus assert your beauty.

Lurking behind your perfection is ... even more perfection! You carry yourself with such dignity, it's no wonder your fellow Virgo Sophia Loren still looks so amazing. You have an incredibly well-regimented beauty routine, and your natural dedication to small details keeps you looking so stunning. You pride yourself on keeping up appearances, and delight in cosmetics that withstand the test of time and trends. You are motivated to present the ideal female image, and your beauty comes from your reverence of perfection and beauty itself, as well as your pure-minded yet realistic attitude toward life.

Pet Astrology - Sun Sign Characteristics

Astrology plays an important part and role in your pet's life, be it a cat, a dog, a parrot, a pigeon, a horse, etc. Ever wondered why your dog or cat behaves differently??. The answers could be determined by their date of birth and how astrology affects their character.

You'll have an easier time in raising your pets if you understand what makes them they are and how their basic behavior will evolve depending on their astrological sign. If you just got a new pet for your home, here's a great way to know just what to expect out of them and how you should behave to them, so that both of you can get on well with each other.

Pets - Sun Sign Characteristics

ARIES (Mar 21- Ap 20)

Aries cats and dogs are born to be leaders in their territory. They try to boss the other pets in their immediate neighborhood. No other pet can dare to bully them. They cannot be easily put under leash. They call for attention. If not given adequate attention, they are likely to become rebellious, stubborn and disobedient.When pampered they do not hesitate to show back their gratitude. It is a little difficult to get them under your words. They are known to be territorial and defend the same with all their might.

TAURUS (Ap 20- May 20)

Taurus pets are known to be lazy ones. Some snacky food and a good music shall see them to be couch potatoes. They are particularly fond of soft music. They love a luxurious life just as their adult counterparts. They tend to put on some weight with age. They are fond of gentle and warm surroundings where they can while their time away. They do not give up a fight easily. Taurus pets love the best things in life.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 21)

Gemini pets have unbounded energy. They like to entertain their masters and get the attention of outsiders easily. They mostly bag the trophy in dog competitions. Gemini pets are charming, very domestic but sensitive too. Usually curiosity gets them into unwanted troubles. They are also known for their petty pranks. They get along with any other pet and can also be trained easily as they are fast learners.

CANCER (June 22 - July 22)

Cancer pets are overly sensitive. They compel to be taken as one among our family members. They crave for attention. If scolded they lose their mood and retreat to a corner. They crave for attention and if left unnoticed shall sulk and whine. Cancer cats are nocturnal ones and their mood changes with the phases of the moon. They never get into fight and are very timid. They run away from trouble and like to be pampered and cuddled by their owners. Cancer pets become friends for life.

LEO (July 23 - Aug 22)
Leo pets are born leaders and they have a royal tint in their behavior and movements. They have a pride in them. They are known to be arrogant. On the contrary, they are also friendly and gregarious. Nobody dare to challenge their authority. Leo pets are loving and faithful and demand their owner's attention 24 hours a day if there are other pets in the household. They have a good memory and make good pets particularly if there are small kids at home 'cause they take good care of them.

VIRGO (Aug 23- Sep 22)

Virgo pets are very hygienic and demand a spick environment around them. They like to be clean always and are ready to take a bath any time of the day which most of the pets hate. Virgo pets are particularly demanding. They avoid working and prefer to play around most of the day. They make a big fuss around dinner time. They are not much fond of seeking attention. They are prone to allergies and hence maintain caution. A strict diet is to be followed for them else they get an upset tummy.

LIBRA (Sep 23- Oct 22)

Libra pets communicate their feelings to the owner through their eyes. They are restless and indecisive creatures. They have finicky manners and test the patience of the owner. They shall do anything if they want to get attention. They are very affectionate and like to company of other pets as well in the house. They are known to be flirts and cannot be accommodated into a particular routine. Their nervous nature usually lands them in troubled waters.

SCORPIO (Oct 23- Nov 21)

Scorpio pets are loyal and very entertaining. They keep their owners in good mood. They are very much attached to home. They have the ability to read people's mind. They easily sense danger. They are loners and are rarely found inside the house. They live in a world of their own. Scorpio pets are called as Wanderers of the zodiac. They are frightening for the other pets. Scorpios are also charming creatures. They are proud and obstinate at times.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Sagittarius pets are full of boundless energy and with strong nerves. They are fun-loving creatures. Sagittarius pets are very good to keep at young age. As they grow up they become temperate. They are also the most accident -prone members of the zodiac. They easily get into troubles because of their clumsy nature. They love to be loved and give back the same to their owner. Sagittarius pets are cowards and mostly run out of any serious fight. They like adventure.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Capricorn pets are found to be wiser when compared to the other pets of their age. They are also known for their proper behavior and keep the house in order. Capricorn cats love to sleep endlessly. They put on weight as they have a bent on food. Capricorns are stubborn and hate to be disturbed from their place. They are said to be self-centered but hate to be alone. They give a good company for kids in playing.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Aquarius pets are gentle creatures. They sense the moods of their owners and act accordingly. They have a liking for water and taking them to a bath is very easy. They are very friendly and intelligent . Aquarius cats are very temperamental. Training them is not an easy affair. They are poke their noses into anything on their way. Aquarius pets are lovers of food.This usually lands them in unwanted illnesses.

PISCES (Feb 19- Mar 20)

Piscean pets love water and related sports. They are very sensitive and emphatic and easily sense their owners mood. Once they develop a liking for a particular person they shall stick on for life. They are accident prone. Piscean cats are hyperactive and impulsive in nature. Piscean pets change their moods often that it is difficult to understand them. They love luxury and do not need much space. A change of environment shall make them sulk to a corner. But for that they are gentle and loving pets.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your pet's signage & traits.

Know your pets

Aries : Pets born under this sign are active and hypersensitive.
Taurus : Taurean pets have a pasive nature but do not give up a fight.
Gemini : Gemini pets are easy to train but need a company.
Cancer : Cancer pets are very sensitive but are loyal for life.
Leo : Leo pets are leaders of the pack.
Virgo : Virgo pets are wonderful companions.
Libra : Libra pets are easygoing and lazy at times.
Scorpio : Possessive and loyal pets are Scorpios.
Sagittarius : Sagittarius pets are fun loving and intelligent.
Capricorn : Capricorn pets stay young at heart and are good.
Aquarius : Aquarius pets are very intelligent but difficult to handle.
Pisces : Piscean pets are gentle and sense our moods.