
Sagittarius and Pisces Compatibility

Both the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces are ruled by Jupiter. This means that they have some immediate understanding of each other, and also have similar ways of thinking. Pisces is also strongly influenced by the planet of Neptune, which makes them dreamy, sensitive and even magical. These qualities appeal to the Sagittarian idealism and they both feel there is a deeper meaning to life.
The two people can spend a lot of time together tuning in to these common interests and building their relationship on them. The Piscean needs time to adjust to their surroundings, and likes to dream their ideas at their own pace. This is the opposite of the Sagittarian approach who like to get things done now. They rather implement dreams than dream them. This difference can be a point of conflict in this relationship. The Piscean wants to settle into a known environment, create a family and get down living a life that is nurturing. That does not mean they won’t enjoy exploring the world with their partner. The right Piscean partner will calm the Sagittarian emotional and volatile restlessness and share in the thrill of what they have to offer.

Emotional Compatibility
There lies a great potential for this pair with Sagittarius keen to tackle most, if not all projects and Pisces being the type of person who can resolve all problems. They are both strong characters and if they love equally, their combined power can be vast. Many people think they are an odd match. Sagittarius is outward looking and a go-getter while Pisces tends to look inward and are less aggressive. But if each chooses to learn from the other, they make an amazing pair.
Sagittarians often feel compelled to protect the more reserved Piscean who has the ability to educate Sagittarius in life. Both learn a lot from their partner and in the process become a more settled and happy couple. Going to new places with each other has great potential for this relationship. Sagittarius is a natural explorer and Pisces is keen on helping others. They will both learn and grow through this journey together. They will do well by concentrating less on their own needs and more on those of other person. With this unselfish approach they will become better and more adoring individuals. With two such caring partners the combination is moving and very satisfying.

Professional Compatibility Working together is only possible if the partners' natural sensitivity to each other's moods can be put aside for the sake of the project or the good of the task for which they are together. These Pisceans have an intuitive streak, so it is beneficial to listen to their suggestions when they get an intuition. This can help develop the relationship. There are also some significant differences between the Sagittarian and the Piscean. The Sagittarian is far more fiery and outgoing, and can sometimes push receptive and easygoing Pisces to the point of retaliation. The Sagittarius has a habit of saying painful truth on the faces which might end up hurting the sensitive Pisces. Often the Sagittarius hates the habit of the Pisces to ignore facts and truth. Many times there is a conflicting situation because Sagittarians prefer honesty just above anything while Pisces is confused between values. However, if desired this tension can be transformed into useful energy. Pisces may learn the importance of facts and truth from the Sagittarian and the latter may become more soft and sensitive in the company of the Pisces.

Romantic Compatibility
The relation between a Piscean and a Sagittarian are full of complexities and present a large number of possibilities. Some compatibility is found in mutual appreciation, religion, mysticism, travels, charitable causes or other ideas. Pisces have a vivid imagination which probably will conjure up the worst picture when Sagittarius feels the need to be independent. In spite of his good qualities, a Sagittarius lacks the softness and tender loving care essential for Pisces. The Pisces tendency to be indecisive, impractical and disorganized may infuriate Sagittarius who is basically active, impulsive and positive and likes to get things done quickly and efficiently. The sensitive sign of Pisces is ruled by two planets- Neptune and Jupiter, who also rules Sagittarius. The Sagittarius need for emotion is very different from that of the Pisces. The Sagittarius's get-up-and-go is in complete contrast to the Pisces need for someone who's imbued with understanding and a nicely nurturing nature. Another problem is that because they're both mutable signs, they could conduct an extremely in- consistent affair.

Marital Compatibility
Sagittarius, whether consciously or unconsciously, are always in search of truth. This urge is seen in their talking and walking behavior. They tend to question everything and love their independence. Often in their exploration of unknown, they neglect their duty and responsibility specially when it interferes with their exciting search for themselves or stands in the way of their goals. Pisces are always pulled in two directions. Hence, in absence of any particular direction, they often miss out a few opportunities.
They are extremely sensitive and emotional, and always find comfort in serene and safe places. Their decisions are often based on priorities than on solid facts and figures. As a result they are often unable to plan for long term. A positive factor between Pisces and Sagittarius is their mutual fascination towards faith and spirituality. Sagittarius take interest in spirituality to discover the truth of inner self, on the other hand, it offers Pisces peace and strength. They’ll save themselves a great deal of grief and aggravation by the simple decision to concentrate on those qualities with which each is blessed that the other can openly respect and admire.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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