
Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility

Since these two natives belong to same sign, there are equal chances of their compatibility to be a hit or a miss. In this particular case, two Sagittarians can be uniting and positive in their relational energies, that are indeed powerful but it needs to be carefully managed. Since both these natives fear losing their independence, they’ll promise to each other not to cross each other’s ways and priorities. This is the crux of their relationship. Both the natives, overall, understand each other and try to not to get in each other’s way.

Both the natives have keen interest in philosophy, travel, adventure, sport. Both want to remain intellectually and physically stimulated all the time. In their relationship, both Sagittarians experience all of this together. But both these natives need to understand at some point of time they must define that where freedom must end and commitment begin. They will enjoy their social life by making friends, entertaining, and wining and dining most of the times.

Emotional Compatibility
There are promising chances of this emotional compatibility that has happy signs for this union. Sagittarius, being an adaptable sign, will in perfect tandem and flow with similar other native. They are full of happy and positive emotions with each other as opposed to being stubborn. Both the Sagittarius natives will be bubbling with flamboyant emotions and energies to lead a charmed life. Since Sagittarius love the truth and is keen on knowledge and education, they have much to share and enjoy. Sometimes both will get obsessed with facts can lead to a debate getting over hyped. But by and large their emotions and mutual feelings will be a binding factor in their partnership.

Both the natives are going to be easy-going and shun jealousy, just like a perfect match. During, many situations, Sagittarius do hold grudges and lose their temper. It is just that if and when they do, grudges are seldom held for long and life soon returns to its busy and interesting self. This couple will often stand out in a crowd. They will be full of charming and encouraging emotions oozing charisma. They can be indulging and they are almost always open to suggestions desiring to please their partner. And it is this emotional compatibility which gives them so much appeal to others. Easy to live with and easy to express are the keywords of this emotional compatibility.

Professional Compatibility 
Sagittarius are very versatile and multi-talented. They are observed to follow a great variety of occupations on their quest for truth and self-knowledge within one lifetime. This couple is often seen testing and analyzing each other, and in this process they sometimes slap each other with painful and exaggerated but truthful comments. Work relationships between Sagittarius and Sagittarius are perhaps the most successful of all. When engaged in enormous projects together, whether of a professional, social or familial nature, the Sagittarius duo will usually see them through to the end and that too with success and profitability. Their exceptional responsibility and perseverance is by default in their nature. Additionally, projects that seem overly ambitious to some may be viewed as quite manageable by Sagittarius. They easily accomplished them. Both of the natives are honest in the way they are expected to be. There’ll never be anything hidden between these two business partners. Both will dish out the truth and consistency that will be stupendous. They will strive to take what they want. Both the Sagittarius are extremely competitive. They will be friendly and cohesive in all social and professional situations. That competitive streak will work very well to their advantage. Common interests will also keep them bonded together.

Romantic Compatibility
This team of Sagittarius with Sagittarius is active, enthusiastic, and optimistic lively in their romantic life. Together they will generate an atmosphere of vibrant, active and exciting romance. Their romance will make their life move fast. Since both the natives like freedom and independence, so unless they pull together and constantly reinforce the partnership there is a chance they will drift apart. Together, most Sagittarius has a passion for romancing in outdoor and far-flung places. They won't think twice about spending a romantic evening out, under sky. If that's what takes their fancy they will enjoy every bit of it. Even a small moment of intimate passion will rejuvenate their romantic compatibility like nothing else. Every hinder would be like a challenge of some sort, and make their passionate moments more wonderful. At times their romanticism would get transformed into philosophical fact. They will discuss love and intimacy, on a spiritual level, for hours on end. If they can form this adventurous alliance, they'll cement a firm foundation for their love that will sail through every obstacle.

Marital Compatibility
Sagitarrius couple are prone to fall anger pitfalls in their marriage. And when both of them loose control in such conflicts, it may leave a permanent scar on their marital relationship. Instead, each of the native should try to practice self-control and avoid such confrontations. This relationship will flourish beautifully only when both of them work together towards a common domestic goal. Sagittarius duo will always be on the move. They can’t stay at one thing for long, they like to explore and discover things. They are often good natured and have a large group of casual friends. They put a great faith in hope and for them honesty is the best policy. They are often straightforward and optimistic, go-getter types.

So this marriage will work out magically. When one of them hits a low phase in grief and sorrow, the significant other reminds that every dark night is followed by a bright day. They will strongly have faith in each other. When two of them are engaged in doing variety of things like reading, studying, observing, experimenting, learning, teaching or traveling together, life will never be boring. Both will wonderfully enjoy their marriage this way. Regardless of periodic conflict between these two, they’ll remain friendly and forgiving in their marriage. But this couple won’t find it any easier to apologize to each other than to anyone else. But they will sense one another’s regret, and instead of forcing the issue, they’ll find a middle path to resolve all things.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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