The positive side of a Scorpio personality
The typical Scorpio personality has a positive side and a negative one. The positive side of a Scorpio personality emerges when he/she is very determined to achieve his/her goals. Scorpio man and woman know what they want out of life. They are quite sincere and seldom say anything they don’t mean. One of the most important traits of Scorpio personality is that this native is very courageous. Scorpio male and female are not afraid of hard work and they will pass all the obstacles that will come their way. The Scorpion may seem rather determined, but deep inside he/she is often quite tender and loving. When they are in a relationship, people born under the Scorpio astrological sign are profound and their feelings tend to last. Another positive side of the Scorpio personalities is that they will not be deterred from a path that they believe to be right. Because of their positive traits, Scorpio men and women can often achieve happiness for themselves and for their friends too. The Scorpio profile presents some positive characteristics that will help this native understand people and life in general. Challenge of any sort often brings out the best in Scorpio personality.
The negative side of a Scorpio personality
The negative side of a typical Scorpio personality emerges when this person becomes hypersensitive. He/she will imagine injuries that don’t exist. Scorpio men and women sometimes feel that others do not bother to recognize them for their true worth. There are situations when Scorpio personality can become arrogant and proud. Their tactics for getting what they want can be devious and ruthless. People born under the Scorpio zodiac Sign don’t care too much about what others may think and they will do their best to seek revenge if they feel others have done them an injustice. One of the negative traits of the Scorpio profile also emerges when this person has a violent temper. His/her interest in sex is sometimes quite excessive and unbalanced.
Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.