The positive side of a Libra personality
The typical Libra personality has a positive side and a negative one. The positive side of Libra’s profile is represented by their need for harmony. Actually this is one of their most outstanding character traits. They are interested in achieving balance by all means. Libra personality is usually very sympathetic. They do what they can to help others. People born under the sign of Libra almost always make good friends. They are loyal, amiable and enjoy their friends’ company. Another positive trait that invades typical Libra personality is the fact that this native always weighs both sides of an issue fairly before making a decision. Active and often intelligent, Libra personalities are against injustice. In most of their social dealings they try to be very kind and tactful. Libra personality has a keen sense of beauty; he/she loves beautiful clothes and stylish furniture. This is why their homes are so attractively arranged and inviting.
The Element associated with Libra is Air. Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are intellectual: they tend to respond to the world through intellect, rather than physical action, practicality, or emotion. Libra’s intellectual orientation to the world makes them great conversationalists. Because their efforts are mentally rather than emotionally motivated, a typical Libra personality tends to be very judicial; these natives are good at diplomacy and compromise. They are also persuasive, courteous, and adaptable. But these characteristics may also make them seem cold and unemotional. Usually, Libra personalities are team workers, skilled at cooperative action, but they can also be self-doubting. Open minded, and always polite, they have a strong sense of loyalty because of their ability to put themselves into other people’s shoes.
The negative side of a Libra personality
The negative side of a typical Libra personality emerges when this native tends to be insincere. They are so eager to achieve harmony that they will even lie if needed. In a serious argument, Libra personalities give in rather easily even when they know they’re right. Arguing, even about something they believe in, is too unsettling for most of them. Some other negative traits of Libra personality emerge when he/she begins to care too much for material things. They enjoy possessions and luxury. People born under The Scales Sign are often vain and jealous.
Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.