
The pos­i­tive and negative side of a Sagit­tar­ius personality

The pos­i­tive side of a Sagit­tar­ius personality

The pos­i­tive side of a typ­i­cal Sagit­tar­ius per­son­al­ity con­sists in his/her hon­esty and tol­er­ance of oth­ers. When deal­ing with other peo­ple, Sagit­tar­ius per­son­al­ity is usu­ally open and forth­right. Their pro­file is char­ac­ter­ized by traits like intel­li­gence, love for sports and adven­ture. This native is not self­ish or proud. If some­one pro­poses a plan that is bet­ter than his/hers, he/she will imme­di­ately adopt it. A typ­i­cal Sagit­tar­ius per­son­al­ity is a for­giv­ing per­son, and never sulks over some­thing that has not worked out in his/her favor. Peo­ple born under the Archer astro­log­i­cal Sign are sel­dom crit­i­cal, and they’re almost always gen­er­ous. Most of them have a desire to help human­ity in some way.

Some other pos­i­tive char­ac­ter­is­tics of Sagit­tar­ius per­son­al­ity are pre­sented below. Typ­i­cal Sagit­tar­ius per­son­al­i­ties are extro­verted, cheer­ful and opti­mistic. They believe that things will turn out well, and they trust much to luck. Sagit­tar­ius men and women usu­ally rebound quickly from depres­sion and ill­ness. Fun lov­ing, and always high-spirited, Sagit­tar­ius per­son­al­i­ties add a won­der­ful dose of pos­i­tive energy to any envi­ron­ment. Their nat­ural pow­ers of per­cep­tion, com­bined with their uplift­ing energy make them excel­lent con­ver­sa­tion­al­ists. Often gifted with an amaz­ing sense of humor, the typ­i­cal Sagit­tar­ius per­son­al­ity can make almost any­one smile.

Sagit­tar­ius male and female love to travel. They like to meet peo­ple in for­eign lands and learn for­eign lan­guages. Another char­ac­ter­is­tic of Sagit­tar­ius per­son­al­ity is that he/she will not fol­low the rules if he/she doesn’t believe that the rules are right and just. They have the courage to speak up for their con­vic­tions and fight for what they believe in, which can lead to clashes at times. Typ­i­cal Sagit­tar­ius per­son­al­i­ties are also very phys­i­cal and have trou­ble with stay­ing put in an office chair for hours. They have a con­stant need for move­ment and novelty.

The neg­a­tive side of a Sagit­tar­ius personality

The neg­a­tive side of a typ­i­cal Sagit­tar­ius per­son­al­ity emerges when this native can’t con­trol his/her traits such as love for gam­bling and lack of tact. They hurt oth­ers by being hon­est at the wrong time. Some­times Sagit­tar­ius per­son­al­ity makes promises that he/she doesn’t keep. The neg­a­tive traits of the Sagit­tar­ius per­son­al­ity can also come out when he/she doesn’t stick close enough to his/her plans and goes from one fail­ure to another. This native can be undis­ci­plined and can waste a lot of energy.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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