
The pos­i­tive and negative side of a Libra personality

The pos­i­tive side of a Libra personality

The typ­i­cal Libra per­son­al­ity has a pos­i­tive side and a neg­a­tive one. The pos­i­tive side of Libra’s pro­file is rep­re­sented by their need for har­mony. Actu­ally this is one of their most out­stand­ing char­ac­ter traits. They are inter­ested in achiev­ing bal­ance by all means. Libra per­son­al­ity is usu­ally very sym­pa­thetic. They do what they can to help oth­ers. Peo­ple born under the sign of Libra almost always make good friends. They are loyal, ami­able and enjoy their friends’ com­pany. Another pos­i­tive trait that invades typ­i­cal Libra per­son­al­ity is the fact that this native always weighs both sides of an issue fairly before mak­ing a deci­sion. Active and often intel­li­gent, Libra per­son­al­i­ties are against injus­tice. In most of their social deal­ings they try to be very kind and tact­ful. Libra per­son­al­ity has a keen sense of beauty; he/she loves beau­ti­ful clothes and styl­ish fur­ni­ture. This is why their homes are so attrac­tively arranged and inviting.

The Ele­ment asso­ci­ated with Libra is Air. Air Signs (Gem­ini, Libra, and Aquar­ius) are intel­lec­tual: they tend to respond to the world through intel­lect, rather than phys­i­cal action, prac­ti­cal­ity, or emo­tion. Libra’s intel­lec­tual ori­en­ta­tion to the world makes them great con­ver­sa­tion­al­ists. Because their efforts are men­tally rather than emo­tion­ally moti­vated, a typ­i­cal Libra per­son­al­ity tends to be very judi­cial; these natives are good at diplo­macy and com­pro­mise. They are also per­sua­sive, cour­te­ous, and adapt­able. But these char­ac­ter­is­tics may also make them seem cold and unemo­tional. Usu­ally, Libra per­son­al­i­ties are team work­ers, skilled at coop­er­a­tive action, but they can also be self-doubting. Open minded, and always polite, they have a strong sense of loy­alty because of their abil­ity to put them­selves into other people’s shoes.

The neg­a­tive side of a Libra personality

The neg­a­tive side of a typ­i­cal Libra per­son­al­ity emerges when this native tends to be insin­cere. They are so eager to achieve har­mony that they will even lie if needed. In a seri­ous argu­ment, Libra per­son­al­i­ties give in rather eas­ily even when they know they’re right. Argu­ing, even about some­thing they believe in, is too unset­tling for most of them. Some other neg­a­tive traits of Libra per­son­al­ity emerge when he/she begins to care too much for mate­r­ial things. They enjoy pos­ses­sions and lux­ury. Peo­ple born under The Scales Sign are often vain and jeal­ous.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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