A Gemini man is loyal to his woman within a compartmentalized segment of his mind. There are many compartments. You must get to know him and listen to him describe the worlds he inhabits. You won't necessarily be invited to partake in all of them. This is actually a good thing.
As long as your Gemini man has areas of interest that don't involve lots of temptation from other women, you have a loyal Twin man in your life. If your Gemini is a musician and spends time with his band rehearsing, things are fine. If he becomes popular and goes out on the road to tour, you may want to tag along.
Gemini men have one specific characteristic that behooves you to exploit. They love to talk, and when they do talk, they tell the truth. Always listen to your Gemini man. He will tell you every single thing you need to know about where the relationship is going.
If he is thinking about life with you, he will be discussing the two of you together in clear detail. If he is secretly planning to leave you, he will still talk about what life is about to be like. Note where you are or are not in the verbal picture he paints. His imagination for what is to be will astound you in its detail and foresight. Just keep checking to see if you will be more than a picture on his mantle.
Read below for your sign and see how you and the Gemini man match up.
Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs
Chatting it up with your Gemini man is a dual seduction. You both feed into each other's energies. You will have a hard time listening as it is so gratifying being around a man who can chat with you about any subject.Taurus
Your ability to inspire a Gemini man pulsates with seductive sexiness but can bottom out as a co-dependent drama binge. Make sure there are healthy boundaries and real mutual respect between you two before getting too intimate.Gemini
You two could hold a talk-a-thon, but giving each other a good amount of private space makes this a great same-sign match. The need to be yourself is the one thing he will always agree upon, and it is only natural for you to give him the same latitude.Cancer
This is a guy who will always be able to complete your sentences for you. If you do not mind this talent of his, the relationship can thrive as you make him feel comfortable to be himself. If he strikes you as rude, though, it will only get more outlandish as things go on.Leo
You two get along quite easily, and reinforce each other's egos so well that you both get a swelled sense of your own importance. This backfires on the relationship, as you each get bossy and demanding of the other partner in your own demanding ways. It makes for intense drama but bad long-term reliability.Virgo
Tension between you two will center on your attention to detail and his love of the big picture. He wants to race toward a happy ending, you want happiness to be built within your existing structure. He might run all his life and go nowhere – do you want to be on that chase?Libra
Finding you two together and returning a day later will see that the conversation is still going strong. If you two are apart, all you will think about is that you never quite finished telling him what you wanted to before something else came up.Scorpio
Believing in the best things about him will keep you two going on for a while, but his ability to put up with things that you won't tolerate could create a fissure in the relationship. This is one coupling better off vacationing apart.Sagittarius
The Gemini man is your karmic partner. If his constant challenges annoy you, it is only because he is closer to figuring you out than you ordinarily allow. Most men accept you and keep you in a mental box. A Gemini man makes you do mental gymnastics because you turn him on so much.Capricorn
You two could have a good working relationship. You will find that a Gemini man's passion is so intense because the compartmentalization he likes in his various worlds makes him crave the love you have to offer.Aquarius
These two signs merge to form a great friendship, an alliance of strength and shared interests. There may not be as much romance as one of you two would like, but the chance to get things done in other areas of your lives is always present.Pisces
You are both a bit flighty by conventional standards, so there is the shared respect for being a wanderer. You might flit into and out of each other's lives. A sense of security draws you in, but a need for control tears your love apart. Sometimes love just does that.Where to Find Help
Of course, you shouldn't be discouraged if your sign doesn't seem like the best match – and even if yours is, the Gemini male can pose certain romantic challenges. Calling a professional astrologer can help. A great starting point is a detailed astrological chart, detailing traits and compatibility based on the specific birthdates for you and your love interest. Of course, the talents and tools in a professional psychic's arsenal don't stop there, but might also include tarot cards and runes. Get in touch with one today to learn more about your potential future with the Gemini man you desire.
Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.