
Virgo and Pisces Compatibility

The compatibility between Virgo and Pisces will be full of all sorts of contradictions. Since both Virgo and Pisces are opposite signs in nature and temperament, they will exercise different approaches to life, and very different personalities. Due to this reason, the attraction and magnetism between these two natives is going to be very unique and exceptional. While Pisces is sensitive and extremely intuitive, Virgo will be rational and less emotional. The way both these natives express themselves, the way they perceive the world, and the way they exude their emotions and expression is quite different. Virgo will be enamored by the empathetic ways of Pisces and derive practicality out of it. Both the signs crave for attention and affection but still would want to be in their own individual space. There will be moments when extravagance, secretiveness and dreaminess of Pisces will frustrate Virgo as he/she always prefers to be pragmatic and orderly.

Emotional Compatibility
The Emotional Compatibility between Virgo and Pisces is not a good one. All together this is going to be a poor match. If Pisces gets into a relationship with a Virgo, it will probably end with hurt and misery. While Virgo likes to stick to practical, logical conversations Pisces hate expressing their feelings. However, to Virgo, emotions are what life is all about. The Virgo is all ensconced by picky and critical emotions, and can see the bad side of just about any, person or situation. This can have bad effects on the self-confidence of both the natives. This emotional mismatch is one that should definitely be avoided. Virgo stand by Pisces through thick or thin, as long as he/she don't fall back on manipulation to get what he/she want. Be straight up and you'll get the same in return. This is not a very good match for either one of the signs. Pisces may be drawn to the Pisces because he/she shares an intellectual and logical way of looking at the world. Conversations between both the natives will never be dull and full of sensible emotional chemistry. They must be careful not to hurt each other with unkind words during the moments of anger and outbursts.

Professional Compatibility 
The Professional Compatibility between Virgo and Pisces is not obscure about taking decisions. That is the reason they are planned and well organized. Both will respect strong commitments in every professional venture. This professional combination will be successful only if both the zodiac signs put their efforts to tolerate each other and be open minded. Both Virgo and Pisces are very tender by nature and do not aim high in their personal lives. The professional relationship will show promising compatibility to some extent. Both the signs will work in tandem and show traits of being down-to-earth persons of being pragmatic by nature. Even if the things will not work in tandem, both Virgo and Pisces will try to learn to compromise. Pisceans are day dreamers who always build the castles in the air. They always visualize things far away from the practical world. All these characteristics amuse Virgo as he/she likes to lead a realistic life.

Romantic Compatibility

As far as Romantic Compatibility as concerned this love match does not fair well due to their opposite nature. The love is closely connected with the stability, physical needs, and intellectual compatibility. The love for the Pisces is a beauty and emotional experiences. The Virgo's cautious, prudent attitude to physical aspect doesn't satisfy unlimited desires of the Pisces. This romantic compatibility will not be very promising as expected. Pisces love to live in fantasy world shedding their responsibilities on others shoulders whereas Virgo will not be in favor of such attitude. Virgo will behave too shy to express his/her feelings and due to this reason the Pisces may feel dejected during romantic moments and consider that Virgo is not as romantic as he expects in this affair. There are promising chances of building a fulfilling romantic relationship where both Virgo and Pisces will discover a lot about their affections.

Marital Compatibility

The marital compatibility of Virgo and Pisces will highlight all negative and positive aspects of both the signs. While Pisces will act as a dreamer and imaginator in this marriage, Virgo will act as an intellectual doer using reason and cold hard facts while making decisions. One thing common in both the natives is that they both are changeable and moody. This marriage is often going to observe instances when important difference will be driven to understand, and get solved meticulously. Pisces will contribute effusively in this marital tie by letting emotional forces reveal all solutions of domestic issues. They slow and steady approach of both Virgo and Pisces may appear to be emotional laziness that could damage the relationship irreparably. The silence of Pisces should not be taken as submission as they have a tendency to brood, and wait for the right moment to retaliate. Any sharp criticism from Virgo might scar Pisces. So both the natives must exercise self-control reins to let this marriage experience bliss and peace.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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