The positive side of a Cancer personality
The typical Cancer personality has a positive side and a negative one. The positive side of the Cancer personality stays in his understanding nature. He/she is a loving and sympathetic person who would never hurt someone. The personality born under the Crab Sign is characterized by traits like tenderness and kindness. They don’t like to see others suffering and will do what they can to help someone in less fortunate circumstances than themselves. A typical Cancer has a deep sense of brotherhood and respect for the humanitarian values. Another bright side of the Cancer personality is represented by two of his/her main profile traits: honesty and patience. When a situation seems difficult to them, they are willing to wait until things become manageable again. The typical Cancer knows how to focus on one thing at a time. When he/she makes up his/her mind, he/she generally sticks with the idea, seeing it through to the end.
Cancer is the most maternal Sign of the zodiac. The Cancer personality enjoys being surrounded by people they love. People born under this sign are usually protective with their friends and family. They are loyal, faithful and have a strong sense of tradition.
The negative side of a Cancer personality
The dark side of a typical Cancer personality arises in moments when Cancer finds it hard to face life. He/she can be a bit shy and tiring when things go wrong. The uncultivated Crab is sometimes lazy — that’s another characteristic of their negative side. He/she doesn’t have very much ambition and he/she will gladly leave to others anything that seems difficult. The typical Cancer personality may be lacking in initiative. Too sensitive, when he/she feels he/she has been injured, the Crab will crawl back into his/her shell and nurse his/her imaginary wounds. They make heavy demands on others, and need to be constantly reassured that they are loved by their partner.
Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.