The positive side of an Aries personality
Aries personality is often strong and enthusiastic — these are actually two of their positive character traits. They are forward-looking people who are not easily discouraged by temporary setbacks. A typical Aries knows what he/she wants out of life and he/she will go for it. Aries personalities are strong and people are usually impressed by their way of doing things. Quite often the Ram is the source of inspiration for others traveling the same route. A typical Aries has a special zest for life that is contagious for others; they are often an example for how life should be lived. The Aries man and woman always seem to remain young. Their whole approach to life is youthful and optimistic.
The typical Aries native usually has a quick and active mind. He/she is imaginative, inventive, and enjoys keeping himself/herself busy. A typical Aries personality generally gets along well with all kinds of people. The Ram is interested in mankind, as a whole, and likes to be challenged. Getting over or around obstacles is a challenge Aries generally enjoys.
The negative side of an Aries personality
The bad side of the Aries personalities shows up in situations when the Ram becomes stubborn and refuses to listen. At times, Aries personality is too impulsive and this is why sensitive people are likely to find him/her somewhat sharp-tongued. If things do not move quickly enough to suit Aries male and female, he/she can become rather nervous or irritable. Another negative characteristic of a typical Aries personality is that the Ram is capable of being destructive if he/she does not get his/her way.
Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.