
Virgo and Libra Compatibility

There is something unique and peculiar about the compatibility of Virgo and Libra. There is some strange blend of energies in both the natives that helps Virgo in complementing Libra is many aspects of life. Social and outgoing Libra perfectly balances the quiet and withdrawn temperament of Virgo. Their mutual love and friendship along with free communication will help each other a lot. For Virgo Libra's extravagant and indecisive nature will be botheration. And for Libra the practical Virgo will never be able to satisfy his/her desires.

Libra will be in fact too frivolous for Virgo’s taste. And Virgo will be too reserved and practical for Libra. To a Virgo, a Libra may come across as indecisive and vacillating. Libra may view Virgo as too stifling and biased. But if they make conscious efforts, they can easily turn the clashing traits into balancing qualities. At the emotional level, this relationship may face compatibility problems. However, since a Libran loves to achieve balance, he/she will evade the serious stare of Virgo.

Emotional Compatibility
The emotional Compatibility of Virgo and Libra is a loving and affectionate where both like to show emotions. The Virgo is reserved and low-key, preferring to keep emotions. Virgo is a sunny optimist and need a love partner who shares your happy outlook on life. He is also very fussy, which may drive the other native crazy. Showing his true feelings to the world is not one of Virgo’s big strengths, but it is one of Libra’s. Once both are able to eliminate fear of baring their emotions, this can be a match made in heaven. Both the natives want a close relationship with the focus firmly on the two of as a couple.
Meanwhile, Libra is always looking over his shoulder to see who else is looking at him with admiration. He’s not going to give Libra much of a sense of security. Virgo has a serious side to his nature, and is very practical. Libra, on the other hand, is flighty, impractical and a little silly. Libra will be the one who can changes his mind every five minutes and his wishy-washy ways will drive you crazy. While a Virgo is meticulous about things, a Libra will love to attend an occasional party.

Professional Compatibility
Professional and business matters need to be viewed from a realistic point of view for the professional Compatibility of Virgo and Libra since both are possessing different temperaments. It’s time to move into the future with a new vision about personal and professional situations. The compatibility may work out to be a fair one only if they try over-come the clashes with their understanding nature. The professional compatibility of a Virgo and a Libra may not work out to be successful because of their opposite nature. A Virgo is pessimistic and avoids the company of other people where as a Libra is opposite to his nature as he loves to meet new people.

He is prudent and does not feel free to express his emotions. This relationship may work out to be a good business match if a Libra shields the narrow mindedness of her Virgo partner. A clash may arise due to Virgo’s emotional nature does not match with the practical approach of Libra towards life. Possessing the negative attitude, a Virgo may always tries to find faults with others which may ignite the fire of hatred between them. While a Virgo tends to criticize, it is the Libra's balanced attitude which will stabilize things in this professional relationship. Overall, despite being opposites, the compatibility for a Virgo and Libra zodiac signs can be good, once the negatives are overlooked.

Romantic Compatibility
The Romantic Compatibility lives according to their rules while Libra is absolutely different creature. There are many discrepancies of characters that will get reflected in the romantic compatibility of Virgo and Libra. Virgo will be more interested in flirting rather than serious love. Libra will find it inexcusable. But both the natives will make each other sweeter. Both the natives will be on the same romantic wavelength. Libra's tastes are expensive. Virgo is careful, not to say miserly. Libra will find Virgo fussy, critical, and completely inflexible during romantic moments. Virgo can also be a grumbling and tiresome person with dictatorial propensity. Libra will not stand it too long and start searching for support somewhere else. Virgo is straight forward about his/her approach to love but Libra’s methods of will him or her up the wall. This is a doubtful connection and extremely complicated romantic liaison. The key to maintaining such as stellar combo is to always be upfront and honest, and talk things out when both Virgo and Libra are feeling confused. After all, what one needs in a relationship is loads of understanding and love. When the basics are in place, nothing else would be required to have a relationship that's full of love with understanding as the base.

Marital Compatibility
The marital compatibility of Virgo and Libra will often be seen with plenty of tantrums and criticisms. Libra, being a balanced sign, will always see at least two sides of this marital situation. Libra will also nurture an unusual ego. He/she will listen to Virgo and try out all suggestions to improve marital compatibility. Both will often express each other and work always to improve their marriage. The only hitch that Libra might face will be of his/her free and easy nature. They love spontaneous action, but Virgo will prefer to follow a timetable. Virgo will often expect from his Libra partner to adjust to his/her needs.

The Virgo is practical by nature and his/her need for perfection may prove to be a hurdle in this marriage. A Libra will act with a emotional heart. While Virgo will be critical most of the times, Libra will be sensitive about every little matter. Somehow, this couple may have a diverse outlook towards life. When practicality clashes with emotional values, the couple will need to really work hard and make the best of their differences in their marriage. The common point between both these natives will be their ability to converse and openly share ideas with each other. As a couple, both will enjoy talking and listening about their day to day incidents. Libra will lovingly show the romantic side quite often which will add to the spice in the marriage.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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