
Traits and char­ac­ter­is­tics of Scor­pio man and woman

Scor­pio is ruled by the Planet Pluto (the Lord of the Under­world) and thus many of the traits and char­ac­ter­is­tics of Scor­pio male and female are greatly marked by this planet. Pluto sym­bol­izes every­thing that is beneath our con­scious­ness and those things that we can’t under­stand. There­fore, Scor­pio man and woman is one of the most pow­er­ful and intense signs of the astro­log­i­cal chart. Scor­pio traits and char­ac­ter­is­tics include sex­ual mag­net­ism, being secre­tive, force­ful, and excit­ing. The Scor­pio astro­log­i­cal sign is about meta­mor­pho­sis; Scor­pio men and women trans­form the painful poi­sons of pos­ses­sive pas­sion into a higher con­scious­ness based on uni­ver­sal love.

Scor­pio is a Water Ele­ment. Their first instinct when feel­ings are involved is to respond deeply and pas­sion­ately. Scor­pio male and female can tol­er­ate a lot of hard­ship and they can man­age under the worst of con­di­tions. Another char­ac­ter trait of Scor­pio shows that they are good at over­com­ing obsta­cles and turn­ing things to their advan­tage. Scor­pi­ons are extremely per­sis­tent and ambi­tious. They will go after what they want with a fierce deter­mi­na­tion which is often rewarded. Peo­ple born under the Scor­pio zodiac sign can be car­ing, sen­si­tive, emo­tional and pas­sion­ately lov­ing — these are actu­ally com­mon char­ac­ter­is­tics of Water Signs.

Scor­pio, how­ever, is char­ac­ter­ized by neg­a­tive traits as well. The dark side of Scor­pio emerges when he/she becomes dom­i­nant, pos­ses­sive, intol­er­ant, stub­born and vin­dic­tive. Addi­tion­ally, Scor­pio male and female has a deep, tur­bu­lent char­ac­ter that can be very dif­fi­cult for oth­ers to under­stand. As for the sting in the tail, what you must under­stand is that a Scor­pion is just as likely to sting itself as it is to sting oth­ers. So while the typ­i­cal Scor­pio man and woman can be deter­mined, single-minded and self-motivated — which can lead to the achieve­ment of great goals – some other Scor­pi­ons can be self-destructive and can bring about their own down­fall. All these traits and char­ac­ter­is­tics com­plete the pro­file of Scor­pio.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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