
Taurus and Leo Compatibility

The compatibity of Taurus and Leo is going to dazzle with lots of diversities. This association will be slightly unlikely and built on deception. The Leo will be attracted by the monetary position of Taurus and will determine his level of association by that gauge only. The Leo’s extravagance and desire to be wild and free will be detested by Taurus. This relationship will not be very promising initially. If it does takes off, its future is not going to be very promising.

Taurus seeks appreciation and Leo needs worship. Understandably neither will get what they are seeking from each other. Another clash in the compatibility is going to be of their diverse temprament. While Leo is extravagant, Taurus is thrifty. Taurus will seek order and discipline in whatever he does and Leo will want a larger than life existence. There are going to be more than one personality conflicts in this compatibility of Taurus and Leo.

Emotional Compatibility
The emotional compatibility of Taurus and Leo hardly ever will work out in the long run. The horoscopes of Taurus and Leo are initially drawn to each other but their chemistry works on a very short while. The emotions of both the signs are going to be diverse in their nature. The Taurus will feel bad, though when Leo will demonstrate his evasive and shifty emotions. While Taurus will be of sacrificing and giving nature, expecting same out of Leo also, Leo will never want to abandon his treasured spotlight.
When it will come to choice between being with Taurus and being at the crux of excitement, Leo will always go for exhilaration. Leo will seek a great deal of attention and compliments. Taurus will get tired and bored of pampering him up to the extent of his stroking his ego. In short, the emotional association of this combination is not going to be of very promising. The two natives need to be very flexible in order to make this relationship work. Taurus is usually uncomplicated while Leo wants to always have his own way.

Professional Compatibility
The natal chart of Leo shoes that this sign has a defensive aspect. The ferocious nature of Leo is thoroughly committed to whatever work he is assigned. This is primarily done to nurture his large pride. In professional liaison, Taurus will be drawn and impressed by their loyalty. Leo will also render the required security to the professional front that is always needed. Both Taurus and Leo have common virtues of strong determination and power of decision making. Leo will love to have attention from his clients.
On the other hand Taurus will be slow and silent in his moves and will hardly be showy. Some work related problems might arise due to their personal dispositions and incongruity. But their professional compatibility will be largely dynamic and energetic, if they both work out the details in a amiable way. Their passion to prove themselves will strengthen theirprofessional bonding. Although Taurus are usually spendthrift as they do not like to shed money on useless reasons.
But Leo partner will always be ready to spend for all frivolous reasons. But this attitude of each one of them will not be a hurdle as compatibility is high on love chart as they think that they are made for each other. At times Taurus becomes egoistic in nature and to sustain this relationship for long, Taurus may have to keep her ego aside.

Romantic Compatibility
Both Taurus and Leo are of unchanging temperaments, so no one out of them will relent during love tiffs. Leo considers that he or she has innate right to be the leader in all matters including those of heart also. Although Taurus will be loving and affectionate enough but would expect same from Leo. The two are not going to be very amiable in their love talks. There are chances that quite on and off, Leo will be angrier and Taurus obstinate. Leo will love to dominate but Taurus, being strong willed, will raise his/her voice when they will not come to a consensus.
While Taurus will spend with great concern and care during their dating, Leo will splurge thoughtlessly and will expect lavish gift exchanging. Taurus will be extremely cautious and deliberate and Leo will be expansive and extravagant. During intimate moments of love and romance, Leo will expect Taurus to worship him/her. Taurus is bound to stubbornly refuse unvarying reverence of Leo. He would consider such behavior of Leo as too self-centered and self-absorbed. There will be definitely strong physical and emotional attraction between two signs but not without many obstacles in their way.

Marital Compatibility
The marital compatibility of Taurus and Leo comes with unusual combination of diverse energies. Their ruling planets, Sun and Venus, are entirely different from each other. In terms of planetary friendliness, they are not going to too comfortable with each other. But the marriage between these two natives is going to observe instant and passionate attraction. The physical bonding, as perceived in the marriage, between these two natives is going to be hot and magnetic. A lot of passion will keep them together for a good measure of time. In their marriage, Taurus won’t mind taking the back seat.
The marital compatibility can be wonderful because Leo’s warmth, vitality and showmanship will get a great platform through the solidarity of Taurus. Taurus will be very comfortable and happy to let Leo take the spotlight and stage in all the household decision making as long as he gets the due credit and recognition. In simple talk, he needs return on his emotional investment. Leo must consider this marriage is a two-way lane where no one ought to get too self-absorbed. Talking about the physical aspect, Leo will bring plenty of passion to their mutual desires. Although Taurus will feel elusive considering his unfulfilled desire of emotional satisfaction, still he/she should give enough time and consideration to the passionate nature of Leo. If both can take things a step at a time and balance their marriage with practical and encouraging behavior along with mutual respect and freedom of expression to each other this Taurus Leo marriage is definitely going to work well.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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