
Scorpio and Taurus Compatibility

Scorpio - Taurus
The signs of Scorpio and Taurus are attracted to each other with great polarity and dynamism. But their fixtured temperament can cause difficulties. The stubbornness of Taurus and jealous nature of Scorpio is not going to yield any positive result. Although this opposing attitudes might be positive as stablity and loyality of Taurus will supply enough satisfaction to Scorpio and his intense nature. Both the signs will seek long term unions and will be willing to spend considerable time together.

The opposing natures of Taurus and Scorpio have still many similarities in each other. Their determination and ambition is much of a consideration. Their strong willingness will render great compatibility. Although Scorpio will act too overbearing and possessive for Taurus. Taurus will need to exercise plenty of tolerance for such nature of Scorpio. Scorpio will act thrifty at times with intermittent bouts of laziness. Taurus will want to spend on comforts and act obstinate. The theory of ‘opposite attracts’ works here also as the powerful and magnetic appeal of the Scorpio makes him/her irresistible for Taurus.

The initial interaction of Taurus and Scorpio is going to be overwhelming. There will be waves of passion that will sweep off both the signs off their feet. Scorpio will also feel attracted towards Taurus in same way with positive compatibility most of the times.

Emotional Compatibility
The emotional compatibility of Taurus and Scorpio would be promising initially but can get intimidating during long term. The two will have excellent emotional chemistry together and will make a wonderful coupling. But it is feared that the similar personalities might clash if not handled tactfully. The stubborn nature of each other will act difficult and may cause clashes. Both Taurus and Scorpio should try to get each other see things from mutual point of views. Although not impossible, this can cause adjustments problems. Both will be often jealous and might explode due to suspicion over needless issues. The negative emotion of dominating over each other’s personality will take toll and might make the couple grow apart. There will be plenty of volatile emotions in the duo that will make this compatibility last for short term. Both need to respect each other's individuality and exude powerful emotions in their relationship. If they manage to streamline their emotions constructively, they can have a great sense of emotional equality. The emotional attraction between Taurus and Scorpio will be enough to be sustained for a short while. But their arguments and jealousies should not be overshadowed by their happy times spent together.

Professional Compatibility
In the professional bonding, both the partners will want to exude power and supremacy. Each onewill want to have a superior hand in the relationship and this can lead to clashes. They can act bossy and stubborn while taking a common professional decision. They should act with consideration and learn to be more flexible if they want their professional combination to be powerful. The positive aspect of this combination is that both are expert in handling monetary issues and can attain wonderful financial stability and affluence. Business wise Taurus and Scorpio can be very insistent. They need to spend time getting to understand the demands of their common profession and get it on to the paths of success and profitability. Scorpio might show at times traits of being hidden and secretive. This won’t appeal to Taurus at all. At times of professional crises Scorpio will hide his or her feeling of being shaken or hurt. He/she is going to bury deep the feelings of anger and guilt. This tendency of Scorpio will bring discomfort to Taurus. Scorpio will seldom accept things at face value. He would rather prefer to delve deep into its root. This will irk Taurus as he/she likes or dislike things or situations with just two shades of black or white.

Romantic Compatibility
The romantic compatibility between Taurus and Scorpio is going to be wonderful as feeling of love and affection is common to both of them. Both are going to be equally active in romantic indulgences. They will be very loyal to each other and will stand by with great mushy and loving feelings. But they will be frequently feeling very jealous and stubborn. Taurus will value his love as a priceless object and Scorpio will observe his love as an emotional entity. During love tiffs, Taurus will act with obstinacy and Scorpio will be dangerously angry. In the horoscope of Taurus and Scorpio, strong and magnetic romantic attraction will be all set up. Taurus will feel deeply drawn towards intense and strong love of Scorpio. Taurus will desire for a secure emotional romance that will be supplied by Scorpio continually. The foundation for the romantic compatibility of Taurus and Scorpio relationship is going to be good companionship and they will be enjoyed by them with mutual admiration and appreciation.

Marital Compatibility
The marital compatibility of Taurus and Scorpio comes speckled by bitter obstinacy and inflexibility. Both the signs are going to be stuck up with obstinate approach. In their marriage, thy will be often seen agreeing on some things, but endlessly debating over others. Scorpio will often express his love through physical expression. Taurus will be flattered by this initially but later on he/she will ask for something affectionate and sensitive. Their physical expression will be mutually explored in a passionate manner. The duo will discover their marital bliss through intense love and sensuality. Taurus will touch the softer side of Scorpio and hold on to it for a successful marital tie. During the planning of domestic budges there might be certain challenges. They should work together over domestic finance planning and make a joint effort over there.

Both the signs will be passionate enough and satisfy each others’ emotional and physical needs. They should stay aware of their explosive tempers that might mar their marital happiness. Scorpio should keep a leash on his/her sharp verbosity to avoid equally sharp outburst from Taurus. If Taurus and Scorpio want their marital tie to go on for long both need to learn to accept the other’s viewpoint.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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