
The pos­i­tive and negative side of an Aquar­ius personality

The pos­i­tive side of an Aquar­ius personality

The pos­i­tive side of a typ­i­cal Aquar­ius per­son­al­ity con­sists in his/her hon­esty and frank­ness. These are prob­a­bly the great­est pro­file traits of Aquar­ius per­son­al­ity. His/her stan­dards are usu­ally very high. Aquar­ius per­son­al­ity is one of the most tol­er­ant Zodiac Signs. This man or woman would never do any­thing to hurt someone’s feel­ings. Aquar­ius is never unkind or cruel, and he/she is always will­ing to help oth­ers in need. Aquar­ius per­son­al­ity is an indi­vid­u­al­ist. He/she prefers going his/her own way as his/her ideas about life and mankind are often quite advanced.

Another pos­i­tive char­ac­ter­is­tic of the typ­i­cal Aquar­ius per­son­al­ity is that the Water Bearer is usu­ally an intel­li­gent per­son. Aquar­ius man and woman are inde­pen­dent and rebel­lious. Addi­tion­ally, Aquar­ius is the astro­log­i­cal sign rul­ing friend­ships, and thus friends are very impor­tant to him/her. How­ever, a typ­i­cal Aquar­ius per­son­al­ity does not make friends eas­ily. Part of the prob­lem is that Aquar­ius natives live in a world of ideas, and even though they know how to com­mu­ni­cate with oth­ers, it’s usu­ally on a detached, non-emotional basis. Aquar­ius per­son­al­ity needs to learn inti­macy and how to con­nect with oth­ers on an emo­tional level. These natives are usu­ally monog­a­mous, but they need a spouse who can pro­vide men­tal vari­ety on a daily basis; and that’s not an easy task for their lovers. Addi­tion­ally, Aquar­ius per­son­al­ity is highly charis­matic and he/she eas­ily becomes the leader of their group.

The neg­a­tive side of an Aquar­ius personality

When it comes to the typ­i­cal Aquar­ius per­son­al­i­ties, we have to admit that they have a neg­a­tive side as well. The neg­a­tive traits of the Aquar­ius per­son­al­ity emerge when he/she becomes much of a dreamer. The Water Bearer may be rather unre­al­is­tic some­times; he/she makes plans but sel­dom car­ries them out. His/her imag­i­na­tion has a ten­dency to run away with him/her. The char­ac­ter­is­tics of Aquar­ius pro­file can some­times adversely affect this per­son­al­ity. Peo­ple born under this zodiac sign may be a bit eccen­tric and oth­ers find them dif­fi­cult to deal with. Some Aquar­ius per­son­al­i­ties feel that they are more intel­li­gent than oth­ers, and they will rarely admit to their own faults, even when they are quite appar­ent.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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