
Leo and Pisces Compatibility

The compatibility of Leo and Pisces will be full of illusions. For Leo this is a detrimental relationship as both the natives are going to feel an unlikely attraction. Pisces will not have very pleasant times in this relationship as Leo will be too outgoing for him/her. Leo will always be on the lookout for public acclaim whereas Pisces needs a sheltered life. Both the signs will demand more in this relationship and give less to each other. If both want to develop an enduring relationship they must match their emotions and general temperaments in a balanced way. The combination of these two natives will not be very easy one and some big differences will keep on cropping up every now and then. Pisces reflects the most spiritual aspects of human nature who aim for selflessness and idealism. On the contrary, Leo, are always in effort to boost their ego, and looking for materialistic gains.

Emotional Compatibility
The Emotional Compatibility of this match is just too difficult to work or even last very long. Leo’s are an extrovert who delights in everything larger than life and dramatic. You tend to be fairly introverted, and he is extroverted and arrogant. Meanwhile, Leo’s living in his own little dream world, oblivious to what’s going on in reality. Having a relationship with Pisces would mean trying to go into his cave with him/her and forgetting about one’s own social life. The compatibility seems somewhat a little tough here as both the natives turn selfish and demanding. Someone has to be the giver, and in this relationship both the natives become takers. Pisces loves to poke fun & giggle at human foibles, but Leo has enough of them to keep her in stitches. Leo has deep emotions about the people he/she cares for and treats them with great affection and tenderness. Leo will act domineering and arrogant, and he/she will harass Pisces until he/she gets the way. Leo and Pisces may gratify their emotions and feelings life long but the compatibility of their emotional chemistry can lead to a mismatch. In spite of these controversies, both the natives will love to share the beautiful moments of life together.

Professional Compatibility
The Professional Compatibility between Leo’s and Pisces will always be full of tussles. Leo will like to be a ruler of the family and Pisces will never mind as they want to be back seated. Both the natives will see the Professional and business matters from a realistic point of view so that finances and material aspects are not ignored. Leo is arrogant and extrovert in nature. Pisces has the nature to make most of any opportunity and derive the maximum benefit. The opportunistic nature of these individuals maintains the perfect balance of mental and moral faculties that makes them more successful gaining perspective and clarity in business associations and collaborations. If they maintain a good coordination between each other, both can be ambitious in business and professional areas. Balance and stability in professional venture can be achieved at this point.

Romantic Compatibility
The Leo’s ideas on the romantic front will be welcomed by Pisces. In the romantic concepts, Leo is flamboyant and domineering while Pisces is unworldly and mystical. They intrigue each other because they are so different, but the differences don't mesh well and this also helps the love match to have a high compatibility. This is the positive point which builds up the strong affection between Leo and Pieces. Just be sure to return the favor once and awhile, and you'll be beyond happy. Leo’s and Pisces signs are inclined to receive more than give. Leo needs public acclaim, while Pisces prefers the sheltered life. When Pisces run into despondency the Leo's pride doesn't allow him to participate and help his/her partner to get a problem over. Romance reigns supreme when Leo teams up with Pisces. They will share love of water, music, and the finer things in life. Even if they plan an outing in a desert, there will be no dearth of romance. Leo and a Pisces surely form a supreme love pair. But, sometimes a clash may arouse due to the self-seeking nature of a Pisces which may not suit with the generous nature of a Leo.

Marital Compatibility
These are going to be many different perspectives in this marital compatibility and the two will find hard to reconcile over those. Leo will be warm and passionate in this marital tie and Pisces will be insubstantial. But both the natives must put in their best effort in this marriage as there is there’s a great deal that can be shared between the two.

Leo will be encouraging Pisces to achieve something worthwhile from this alliance and help him/her in building up their self-esteem. Both the natives must practice respect and tolerance for each other’s very different attitudes. This will render a fine start to your relationship. Both the signs would have to put in great effort to achieve pleasure and contentment out of this relationship. If they can get over their hurdles in the beginning of the marriage, good times will eventually come forth. The expression and passion between the two signs will be unusual requiring effort and enterprise. Pisces will spend a great deal of time in daydreaming and making his/her mind wander.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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