
Leo and Leo Compatibility

The combination of Leo and Leo will give both the signs impression that they are in control of the situation. The mental and spiritual power of both the Leo natives will be well matched with great strength thus making them as powerful as powerful

The ruling planet of Leo is Sun. This causes twin shining possibility at the time of amalgamation of two Leo persons. This combination will come to foresight with two possible outcomes. There will be plenty of luminosity and vibrancy in this relationship that will make world envious of them. At times they will act obstinate also thus making difficult for each other to make a compromise together. Both should learn to adjust to each other’s needs and have a pleasant time together. There will also be honest and frank feeling in them, with plenty of love and friendship between them. There will also be a great sense of loyalty between them. But there won’t be dearth of several clashes due to their dominating and governing attitudes. Both the Leo natives will sometimes act a little unstable and unpredictable. But their mutual spontaneity will definitely be exciting.

Emotional Compatibility
The emotional compatibility of Leo and Leo will be well resourced with emotions but there will be also many times when they will encounter ego clashes. Both the natives, being of same sign, will love to be in spotlight. But the million dollar question will be that who will be in the spotlight. Both will vie to be in the middle of the centre stage.

This emotional compatibility brings in plenty of drama and delight too. The only thing they have to take care of is to abstain from dominating one another. If both the natives behave well with each other, this can really be a magnificent match.

The combination of two Leo will bring out the best and brightest in each other. Since both are energetic, glamorous thus they will have an optimistic and upbeat outlook on life. There will also be plenty of drama between them. Their life is going to be truly adventurous. Their affectionate and generous natures will make sure that they are good to each other. Both will shower each other with all the emotional attention that will keep them happy. Their emotional chemistry is going to be amazing. But this combustible combination will also have a fair share of ego clashes. Both will be demanding same things thus making room of little rivalry between each other.

Professional Compatibility
The basic temperament of Leo is to be warm, eloquent, romantic and passionate. All these traits are going to be present in the professional compatibility of both the Leo partners. Both the natives will love to present an ambitious and ruthless image at their workplace. Any humble or modesty in professional arena will not appeal to them. Both the natives will be trustworthy and loyal towards each other but prone to rigidity and self-indulgence. Their mutual liking and passionate nature will help them in their professional liaison also. They will share a good compatibility.

Although Leo sign is a self-centered sign, the professional compatibility will not be that bad. At work place, both of them would want to be the center of attraction and will also want to dominate each other. The professional compatibility of Leo-Leo match will either result in a great success or a disaster because of their diverse nature. This business association will not work well if any one of them tries to dominate the other. The compatibility can be good only when both the zodiac signs can trust and value each other's perspectives.

Romantic Compatibility
The romantic compatibility of Leo and Leo is going to be upbeat and promising. Both the Leo natives will be extremely romantic and physically compatible. They will be head over heel in love with each other thus enjoying every bit of their company. Although there is fair amount of ego and self-obsession in each of them, still the duo will successfully overcome their ‘I’ and transform that into ‘We’. They should also keep a check on the level of their physical intimacy as overindulgence can cause diversion in their relationship that might be without love. They will also be in awe of each other. Both the natives should allow one another to outshine each other and sometimes share the light to make their relationship more bonded and connected.

Marital Compatibility
The marital compatibility between Leo and Leo will often bring in myriad aspects of the domestic life. Both being egoistic and self-indulgent, will often wonder that who is going to rule the other one and how. Thus there will be often blowouts and heated interaction between the two. The prime contention will always be within the Leo couple that who will dominate who. Both the natives will be strongly egoistic, proud and obstinate in this marital relationship. They must learn and implement that a marriage is all about give & take and compromise will be the key to success of their relationship.  One of the most important driving forces in this marriage is the need to be the recognition of their individual effort. They being very luminous and ferocious sign will often be at loggerheads with each other and demand too much of each other’s attention. Only if the Leo couple can let some of their dominating and self-centered feeling go from this relationship, there will be plenty of friendship, loyalty and support between them. The physical compatibility also is going to be excellent between these two. They will elevate their love making to another level.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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