
Capri­corn man in a love relationship

When Capri­corn man is in a love rela­tion­ship his part­ner is usu­ally intrigued by his frank, earthy approach. He believes that phys­i­cal desire is a nec­es­sary part of a love rela­tion­ship. Emo­tion­ally speak­ing, love affairs are not easy for Capri­corn male. There is always a cer­tain loner qual­ity about him; Capri­corn man finds it dif­fi­cult to trust someone.

Even if this native appears totally self-assured, he needs a lover who com­pli­ments him con­stantly. When Capri­corn man is engaged in a love rela­tion­ship, he may be secre­tive and he will rarely talk about his needs. Once you give his ego the encour­age­ment it needs, Capri­corn male will tie him­self to your strings for as long as you want him. He is a faith­ful lover, but he will sac­ri­fice romance in the name of hard work. His sense of dis­ci­pline and his need to make the very best choice for the future are stronger than his need for romance.

When it comes to mar­riage and love rela­tion­ships, Capri­corn male mar­ries either very early or in their later years. The ones who marry later are usu­ally hap­pier as by that time they will have had a suc­cess­ful career. In a sex rela­tion­ship, Capri­corn man may not be the most imag­i­na­tive or poetic lover, but he will cer­tainly be skill­ful and lusty. There is another inter­est­ing thing about Capri­corn – the older Capri­corn man gets, the more attrac­tive and potent he becomes. When he makes love, Capri­corn male prefers a com­fort­able set­ting. Noth­ing com­pares to a spa­cious bed, some dim light, a soft music and a bot­tle of champagne.

If you are inter­ested in hav­ing a love rela­tion­ship with a Capri­corn man, you should know that Capri­corn man as lover will prob­a­bly not send you flow­ers or love let­ters. But on your 25th wed­ding anniver­sary he will be there ready to invite you on a roman­tic trip and cel­e­brate your love affair.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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