
The Best Love Match of Zodiac

Since love is blind you might not care about anything else when you are in love. But many of us often wonder who could be our best match. People often say that the planetary position of your zodiac sign can have a great impact upon your love life. Knowing your zodiac sign and the probable matches for your sign can help you in searching for a better life partner.

There are twelve zodiac signs and people born under a particular zodiac sign are often found to have certain characteristic traits which differentiate them from the others. Hence, one needs to determine his/her compatibility quotient with his/her partner for a successful love life. If you too are in search for your love match here is a compatibility list for all the twelve zodiac signs. We are confident that you would find our zodiac love match table most helpful.

Zodiac Love Match by Zodiac Signs

Aries: Aries people are adventurous and at times selfish. Also there is no middle path for Arians; they are either in a relationship or can be completely uninterested. They are also quick at changing partner when they reach the level of saturation.

Best love match: Best love matches for people born under the sign of Aries are Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Gemini and Aquarius.

Not many people are great compatibles to their own sign but Arians are exceptions in this regard. Arians can do great with other Arians.

Another great match for Arians are Leos. The mighty bull and the powerful lion promise a steamy relationship.

Capricorn: Since Capricorns are born under the sign of earth they are likely to succeed with material gains; that is accumulating both growth and power. However, they have their feet planted firmly on the ground. They are also socially active and love socializing. But when it comes to love they can be conservative and may only grow sexual intimacy over time.

Best love match: For people born under the sign of Capricorn can find their love matches in Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

Capricorns and Taureans have many things in common and hence they make a great pair. They often share same values, tastes and interests.

Capricorns make a great match with Virgos. Since both of them are under the Earth category they have many things in common. However, it may take some time for their relationship to take off but it normally promises of a long term relation.

Leo: Just like their sign, which is lion- people of this zodiac sign are leaders in relationships. People born under the sign of Leo are great romantics. But they are also party lovers and hence can be less serious at their relationships at times. Leos are warm, bright and self-aware.

Best love match: Leos can find great match in Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra and Virgo.

Aries and Leos make a glorious match. This combination promises of great excitement and joy. However, there are simple rules to be followed in the relationship to make it work.

Leos and Geminis belong to Fire and Air group respectively and therefore make a great combination. The flamboyant Leo is easily attracted to the lively, communicative twins.

Sagittarius: The archer of the zodiac sign are great sportsmen. They are impulsive, restless and freedom loving with a perform-to-win attitude.

When it comes to the love life, Sagittarians can be passionate lovers. Having a Sagittarian partner can be full of fun and adventurous. However, Sagittarians can be impatient in their relationships and tend to get bored very easily.

Best love match: People born under the signs of Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Libra, Cancer, and Sagittarius can make great matches for Sagittarians.

Creative Cancerians can make great partners to outgoing Sagittarians. However, the relationship might suffer a downturn if not taken care of in the early stage because Cancerians demand for security can be easily affected by the outgoing nature of the Sagittarians.

Taurus: The Bull is careful, discreet and deliberate. Taurians are also great lovers and love adventures in their relationship.

People born under the sign are normally loyal and won’t fool around their partners. It is the trait of faithfulness which makes Taurus the most sought after zodiac sign when it comes to find a match.

Best love match: Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces make great lovers for Taurians.

Virgo makes a kind of obvious choice for the bull. It also can be a case of love at first sight. Together they can enjoy a fruitful romantic life.

Cancerians make great choice for people born under the sign of Taurus. In fact, they can be drawn to each other on the first opportunity. Since Taurus is an Earth sign they offer a solid base to the emotional nature of the Cancerians.

Pisces: The Pisceans are normally kind, wistful, easygoing and charming. They are also imaginative and creative in nature and therefore make sensitive lovers.

Most of the other zodiac signs would find Pisceans attractive but in reality they are compatible to only few. Relationship with a Piscean lover can be exciting and adventurous.

Best love match: Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo and Pisces make very good partners for the Pisceans.

Pisces and Scorpio can find their soul mates in each other since both of them are passionate lovers. Since both of them belong to the water sign they share many things in common.

Another great match for the Pisceans are the Cancerians. Both of them are emotional in nature because of their water characteristics and hence they both can feel very much at home at each other’s company.

Gemini: The twins are known for their dual characteristics. Geminis can have a strong desire for freedom and independence.

Best love match: Geminis can fail to develop a bond with most of the other zodiac signs since their dual personality can be a put off to many. However, Aquarius, Leo, Libra, Gemini and Aries seem to make great love partners for people born under this sign.

Aquarius: Aquarius comes under the Air category. Aquarians would approach to the game of love slowly. But once they are into a relationship they tend to remain honest to their partners.

Aquarians are open-minded and are ready to explore new horizons. Hence, relationship with them can be exciting.

Best love match: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries and Aquarius make great partners for Aquarians.

Libra usually makes great choice for Aquarians. Since Libra is ruled by the planet Venus relationship with Libra promises of excitement and stability.

Cancer: Cancerians are water creatures- fun loving and emotional. They crave for security in a relationship. They are responsive, romantic, soft and gentle lovers.

Best love match: The best partner matches for Cancerians are Pisces, Virgo, Scorpio, Cancer and Taurus.

Libra: Known as the balancer, Libras have the most stable nature amongst the zodiac signs. This sign is ruled by Venus and therefore promises exciting love life.

Best love match: The best love matches for Libras are Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus, and Libra.

Scorpio: Scorpions are intense lovers and are known to be driven by passion and zeal. They can also be domineering in a relationship. Scorpions normally have a loyalty streak which can often turn into possessiveness.

Best love match: Pisces, Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, and Scorpio make best love matches for Scorpions.

Virgo: Characteristics that define Virgos are Cool and claming outside with the intense feeling concealed inside. As lovers, Virgos can be discriminative, cautious and realistic.

Best love match: The best love matches for Virgos are Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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