
Aries and Virgo Compatibility

The sign of Aries indicates straightforwardness, honesty and brash style. These qualities are in stark contrast to the composite, rational and decisive state-of-mind of Virgo. The compatibility quotient indicates that the two zodiacs will have similar ideals but their ways of putting them across, that is presentation, is going to be diametrically opposite. Their principles will be vastly different in nature.

Virgo, with his fussy and finicky nature will be far strange and bizarre for unrefined approach of Aries. But a wonderful compatibility is definitely possible as Virgo loves to be a provider and Aries loves to be a leader. There these two opposing qualities will make them as suitable to each other as a ‘hand in glove’. But they should handle this relationship patiently. In spite of certain odd matching qualities, this zodiac combination can be given a try to success.

Emotional Compatibility
The emotional bonding between Aries and Virgo will not take off immediately. Their connection will take time to flourish because of flamboyant nature of Aries that might make Virgo keep a calm bearing and be extremely cautious before plunging in to this relationship. The combination of exaltation planets of Sun and Mercury indicates the masculinity of Aries sign and feminine nature of Virgo sign. Hence Virgo will possess all the inclinations to be emotionally pampered before a relationship commences.

The courageous advancement of Aries will be quite appealing initially but can later be a matter of concern for shy Virgo. The dup will have to be experimentative to keep their emotional compatibility ‘on the track’. But one common trait between them is frankness. This virtue can act as emotional binding factor between the two. This can also impart a great deal of respect for each other in their life.

Both Aries and Virgo will have to make extra effort to identify the strong points of each other for a wonderful emotional match. 

Professional Compatibility

The cool and critical demeanor of a professional Virgo is a slightly mismatch for hasty and swift Aries. Several professional decisions taken by a Virgo can rather irk Aries due to their mutual mismatch. Their business sense of these two signs is somewhat at odds. This can also lead to irksome attitudes on both sides. But, if handled judiciously, the fast and quick business deal and decisions can impress a Virgo thus throwing him into an absolute amazement. Virgo will find this rash decision making and other professional activities very tizzy and out of world. He might disagree but will positively be overwhelmed primarily. So the professional compatibility can be rated slightly off-beat and tough. Just be brave and think hard before you plunge into this combination. Romantic Compatibility

The daring and adventurous Aries will ruse the romantic thoughts of Virgo who is primarily shy and reserved. The romantic compatibility of Aries and Virgo can be promising provided sufficient patience is practiced. Their different romantic and love preferences will require careful maneuvering and manipulations. While Aries’ passions are going to be madcap and crazy, Virgo's romanticism will be mysterious and will take time to come to the forefront. At the chance of spending a cozy and romantic evening together, Aries will bubble with fancy plans and ideas. On the other hand Virgo is going to be finicky. There will also be ego clashes as both Aries and Virgo will want to drive each other. The natal charts of both Aries and Virgo indicate that both the signs will have to put in great effort to work out their romantic rendezvous together. This all indicates that the romantic compatibility of Aries and Virgo will be of mediocre level with equal chances of success and failure.

Marital Compatibility
The marital combination of a Aries and a Virgo will work for each other and could be very successful. Virgo will love to be pampered and supported. And Aries will love to sweep off the feet of a Virgo. The marital compatibility of Aries and Virgo can be described as complex but lets not be too hypercritical about it.
Due to the Virgo’s representations of sixth house of Aries, Virgo might make Aries think deep about various aspects of life such as marital responsibilities, work, health etc. Virgo will make his or her partner feel responsible about his untapped potential of being a perfect partner. There will also be wonderful compatibility regarding cooperation and collaboration in household work. But at times Aries might feel too headstrong to be confined by the ways of Virgo and his strict regimen.
There will also be minor or major marital discord but Aries talks his or her way out. Virgo will quite often find menial faults and try to put all things in an orderly way. Virgo must understand how to handle Aries partner and save marital discords by extremely constructive criticism with few compliments thrown here and there. Regarding passion and physical aspect of marriage, Virgo would willingly leave all the lovemaking initiative in the hands of Aries. But Aries will in turn want Virgo to take forefront. While Virgo will want to reach the pinnacle of love gradually and steadily, Aries will be likely to scuttle fast.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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