
Aries and Cancer Compatibility

The overall compatibility of Aries-Cancer is not very favorable. The Aries has to make extra effort to make this relationship last. This relationship needs to be driven as it will not happen by itself. Cancer has ascendant lord of moon and that of Aries is Mars. This combination creates a situation where Cancer triggers a great sense of responsibility in Aries. But there are also strong chances that Aries will feel tied down. Cancer augments the scenario concerning Home and property matters.

They are also favorable where long term relations. Cancer being associated with Moon has extra polarity towards Mars thus initiating physical attraction between them. Cancer exudes a settling effect on Aries. They encourage Aries to settle down and save for hard times. While Aries inspire Cancer, Cancer has a calming effect on Aries. A compact and balanced amalgamation of virtues of Aries and Cancer zodiacs can lead towards a fine relationship. All the ferocity and independence of Aries gets a positive and judicious channel through Cancer’s practical guidelines. The compatibility of natal charts of Aries and Cancer is definitely good but there might be propensity of resentment every now and then.

Emotional Compatibility

The quotient of emotional quotient of compatibility of Aries and Cancer shows great strength with several shades of contrast between tem that might mar the compatibility. Cancer is truly an emotional zodiac and will always nag Aries when being ignored. Aries on the other hand will feel elusive and will find ways to get away out of emotional situations. So as far as emotional compatibility is concerned this is not a very promising matches. The emotional compatibility between Aries and cancer will not happen by itself. It will need effort from both the zodiacs. The red hot and enthusiastic emotions of Aries will also swelter the Cancer. The end result can be a steamy emotional showdown. There can be an emotional and mental disparity due to variation in their compatible planets. Watch out for this difficulty.

Professional Compatibility

The professional compatibility of Aries and Cancer can be rated with mediocre scores. Cancer can really complement Arian towards long term professional or business ventures. Cancer will think equally from heart as well as head and render a practical approach towards work. Whenever Aries will work or decide in a fit of fury, Cancer will handle the situation with serenity in his mind. The two will inspire each other and can achieve great profitability. A balanced approach toward professional dealings can be profitable but not without an extra accommodating element of patience and cooperation. Cancer is extremely proficient when it comes to purchase of property, speculation etc.

Cancer would willingly give complete freedom to Aries thus accommodation every whim and fancy that is a part of any professional liaison. Romantic Compatibility
One thing is for sure that Cancer is a far more emotional zodiac than an Aries. The romantic compatibility of Aries and Cancer is quite promising. Aries needs to remember one thing completely that if he or she need to be linked romantically to a Cancer then there will be continuous need making every move leisurely and sympathetically.

Aries will keep on inspiring shy and reserved Cancer. This is going to be a positive facet of this combination. Both Aries and Cancer will motivate each other explore several possibilities of romantic extravaganza.
Aries will rediscover romanticism in new terms as Cancers are extremely receptive and sensual toward romantic endeavors. The benefic planets of both Aries and Cancer indicate flexibility and fine-tuning along with great variety in lifestyles. Only one disparity stares hard, and that is that the Cancerian is far more diffident amorous than Aries. While cancer will demand stable and nourishing romantic options, Aries will be far less willing to settle down. Aries will seek variety in love, and Cancer might act in a sober manner. At times, Cancer is not likely to completely fulfill Aries’ need for immediate and spontaneous activity.

Cancer is going to be too idealistic for Aries.

Marital Compatibility
Aries is ruled by Mars and Cancer by Moon. The personality traits of both these are thus quite different. There are several reasons that why the marital compatibility of this combinations may not be the best. This could be a rather difficult relationship. In this combination of zodiacs, opposites will definitely not attract each other for very long. Initially, Aries will find the Cancer very striking. The stable cancer will bring a refreshing change to whirlwind state of mind of Aries.

On the other hand, Cancer will find the strong and forceful personality of Aries extremely tempting. But once the initial euphoria of the Aries-Cancer relationship gets wear off, Cancer can get slightly disenchanted the ways Aries and starts wondering over it credibility and sustainability. In a marriage relation, the razor-sharp speech of Aries can upset Cancer who is very sensitive.

Another disparity is that, Aries will not willingly settle down to domesticity and Cancer would always prefer domestic life with family members around all the time. Cancer’s sentimental nature and admiration for traditions will appear exaggeratedly emotional to Aries. Cancer will seek emotional intimacy out of marital relationship and Aries would rather remain independent. This could all appear selfish to Cancer. To avoid all this clashes, both Aries ands Cancer will have to take certain initiatives. When Cancer will get into a moody phase for physical extravaganza, Aries might get withdraw with all initiatives. Cancer must make an effort to avoid behaving like an authoritarian and give space and freedom to Aries. Only then this relationship can work.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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