
Aries and Aries Compatibility

Aries represents fire sign, the Sun being an exalted planet, which connotes characteristics of independence, aversion to domination and control, sensitivity and a baby-like concern for self.

And just imagine the compatibility scenario of Aries and Aries. There is going to be bearing of great energy burst and immense enthusiasm in their world. The Compatibility of Aries-Aries zodiac signs can be dynamism with equal chances of collision. The birth charts of two Aries denote two lions that have been bound to rule the same jungle together. If handled positively, there are not going to be any moments of boredom in their relationship as their both of them will be forever active and entertaining. The only thing they have to remember is to keep the fireworks under control.

Emotional Compatibility

Due to deep-rooted opinions and stubborn nature, the two Aries together symbolize the force of life and the power of ‘I’. ‘Me, my and myself’ constitute the most frequently used phrases in the expressions of Aries. Consequently, the compatibility between two Aries people could lead to fiery and zesty emotions. If they will agree, it will be great chemistry and if not then there is going to brew of troubles.

The positioning of malefic planets of Mercury, Rahu and Ketu makes the compatibility of Aries-Aries combination behave with stubbornness and get driven by egoistic nature. They often lock their horns for unavoidable struggle for supremacy. If this can be avoided, the two can have a wonderful relation that can be vigorous, inspired as well as inventive. The emotional compatibility of a relationship between two Aries individuals depends on how well they accept and respect each other's freedom. They need to forgo excessive emphasis on emotional individualism and learn to admire each other’s esteem.

Professional Compatibility
If two Aries are head to head on a professional front, there can be interesting things to watch. They usually don't compete over trifle things and basically respect each other's opinions. Secretly both of them nurture the desire to be the boss. In spite of all the conflicting professional situations the Aries-Aries combination always manages to direct their energy towards the others. To sum up they can be towards an exciting relation. The birth Chart of Aries depicts that for them no dream is too bold, no adventure is too courageous and no project can be too imaginative. The benefic planets of the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in the natal charts of two Aries personalities promises that they can accomplish so much together…with great kudos.

Romantic Compatibility
When two Aries are in love, they should make a conscious effort to come closer to each other and foster the bonds with care and try to forget their self.
The commencement of this passionate and romantic relationship is usually dramatic. They will be spellbound by their relationship and make ostentatious advancement towards each other. They indeed make very winsome and charming lovers.
They will have a wonderful time traveling together and discovering new places in romantic state of mind. Adoringly, their romantic interactions are going to be quite spontaneous and impulsive. Together they will always love to try out new things together in ever sense. The love horoscope of Aries-Aries points to intense sexual attraction towards each other. The Aries couple will have to work out their romantic equation in an established way. But, according to their horoscopes, two Arian partners will have a tendency to be fairly impulsive, fiery, exciting and volatile. Peace and quite will be rare and far in between. This is because of confluence of two dynamic personalities.
Due to high and inflated egos, the two Aries will find it extremely hard to take in criticism. But they need to understand that it is futile to compete against one other. They must rather work together towards mutual harmony. Two Aries can either respect one another greatly or despise each another extremely. There is nothing mediocre or balanced for them. One of the two Aries will have to concede a bit and give the other a faintly better dispense.
Marital Compatibility
Two Aries can never meet and fall in love quietly. It will always accompany explosion and outburst of emotions and passion. Both are passionate about sweeping each other with great and novel love methods. The kundli milap of Aries-Aries sweethearts implies great mutual attraction that is of physical nature and intensely sexual. Very often this wild intensity is often short lived and burns out very quickly.
Arians couples express their love-feeling as well as hate-feelings with equal ease. Both the partners equally adamant over their attitudes might face the situation where one has to and has to change the situation, or the self, to avoid flying anger and criticism that is the trademark of an Arian-Arian relationship. Both of them are prone to impetuous behavior and can be very self-centered. Their trait can get carried over into their sex life. They also often have trouble sticking to one partner and if there are too many arguments or criticisms they can grow apart in their marriage. The notorious pride of Aries-Aries couple will often lead to their separation and their passion will get replaced by the frosty aversion and scorn.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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