
Aquar­ius man in a love relationship

When it comes to love affairs Aquar­ius men think that the meet­ing of minds should always pre­cede the meet­ing of bod­ies. This native wants to make love to some­body, not to any­body, even when he is not engaged in a love rela­tion­ship. Being an Air Ele­ment, Aquar­ius man is pri­mar­ily attracted to women’s intel­lect. Before he can become phys­i­cally stim­u­lated, he must be intel­lec­tu­ally stimulated.

Falling in love and lov­ing are two dif­fer­ent things for Aquar­ius men. Aquar­ius is a cere­bral Zodiac Sign and he tends to repress emo­tion when he is in a love rela­tion­ship. Addi­tion­ally, lov­ing means mak­ing room for another per­son and Aquar­ius, as all the other Fixed Signs, does not adapt eas­ily to oth­ers. Oth­ers have to change for him. All these traits describe Aquar­ius per­son­al­ity when it comes to love affairs.

Aquar­ius man is usu­ally an intel­li­gent per­son and he is very attrac­tive to women. This man will prob­a­bly have many rela­tion­ships dur­ing his life. To him, love affairs pass like a train in the night and there is always another train com­ing along the track. How­ever, as a lover, Aquar­ius man is hon­est with his part­ner. He doesn’t usu­ally engage in more rela­tion­ships at the same time. He rather believes in con­sec­u­tive monogamy. Even if he mar­ries, Aquar­ius man doesn’t con­sider the bond to be forged in steel.

If you want to start a love rela­tion­ship with Aquar­ius male, just remem­ber he does not expect any woman to be eas­ily won. His patience is prover­bial and women may finally end up propos­ing. Regard­ing his sex life, mak­ing love with Aquar­ius man is like liv­ing in the midst of a car­ni­val — there’s always a new excit­ing ride. In addi­tion, Aquar­ius man as lover is extremely gen­er­ous and tol­er­ant. A love rela­tion­ship with him is more like a friend­ship – intel­lec­tual inter­ests and social com­pat­i­bil­ity are manda­tory. Aquar­ius male is a stim­u­lat­ing, broad-minded and inven­tive lover. He just needs to feel that the escape routes are open.

Note: Please be advised. This Astrology section is for entertainment purposes only. As is the way of life, we cannot make any guarantees as to your traits.

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